
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Benefits of Electronic Air Cleaners

If you don’t take the time to clean your air conditioner’s filter, you may be breathing in mold, mildew and other harmful airborne pollutants. The filter is one of the most critical elements in your cooling system as it filters out dangerous toxins and keeps your air clean. In addition to the filter, electronic air cleaners have a number of benefits and features to keep you breathing fresh, pollution-free air.

How Can Electronic Air Cleaners Help?
  • Suffer from allergies? An electronic air cleaner is a must as it removes irritating airborne allergens
  • It comes with a lifetime filter system so it never needs replacing
  • Removes pet odors as well as smoke from tobacco and cooking odors
  • Protects and prolongs the lifespan of your heating and cooling equipment
  • Provides fresher, more comfortable air year-round

Ready to make the switch to cleaner, healthier air in your home? Contact the experts at Aspen Air Conditioning today to learn more and don’t forget to connect with us on Twitter!

Monday, June 22, 2015

AC Maintenance Plans Boca Raton

What is the #1 cause of air conditioning system failure? Take a guess. If you said lack of maintenance, you are correct! Even though it only takes a couple of minutes once or twice a month, many homeowners neglect to properly maintain their cooling systems which can lead to thousands of dollars in repairs or a complete system replacement.

Still don’t want to take the time to clean or change your filter and keep dirt and debris away from your condenser? Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it for you. With Aspen Air Conditioning’s Maintenance program you’ll get priority service, tune-ups and professional cleaning twice per year! See below for more information:

All of our work is backed by an A Better Business Bureau Rating, and our 2013 Angie's List Super Service, as well as our partnership with Home Depot, and membership of the Nexstar Air Conditioning National Contractor network.

To learn more about the Aspen Air Conditioning maintenance plan, give us a call at 561-395-1500!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

3 Ways To Beat The Heat This Summer

Most of us welcome the summer season with open arms, but we could all do without those expensive cooling bills that come along with it. While it feels great to keep your air conditioning system on full blast all summer long, your wallets and checkbooks would beg to differ. Here are a few ways to keep cool this season without breaking the bank:

  1. Cover Up Sunny Windows: while it’s nice to let sunshine penetrate your windows, those sunny rays are only making your home warmer. Cover up all windows that are in direct sunlight by using a simple curtain or blinds.
  2. Open Up Your Windows At Night: it’s a great idea to open up your windows on cooler nights. The overall temperature in your home will drop and even though you may wake up a bit chilly in the morning, you won’t have to run your air conditioner all day long.
  3. Take Cold Showers: jumping in a cool shower will help to lower your body temperature and make you feel cooler, making you less likely to crank up the A/C. Cold water is cheap so it’s a great way to cool off after spending time outside in the heat.

Sticking to these three tricks will help to keep your energy bills down this summer. You can also head out to public places that are air conditioned to give your system a break.

At Aspen Air Conditioning, our mission is to provide our customers with the highest level of comfort through quality maintenance, service and installation practices. Contact our experts today at 561-395-1500 to learn more!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What To Do If Your Air Conditioner Stops Working

Picture this: it’s the hottest day of the summer and you wake up to a broken air conditioning system, what do you do? It always seems as though our gadgets and gizmos break down when we need them the most, but you don’t have to panic. Here are a few of the most common air conditioning problems with some ways you can troubleshoot them:

  1. The Condenser Isn’t Running: one of the most common causes for this problem is power failure. Check to make sure the unit is plugged in and if it is, check for blown fuses or a tripped circuit breaker.
  2. Inadequate Cooling: if you’ve been running your system all day and the house doesn’t seem to be getting any cooler, try lowering the thermostat by 5 degrees. If you still don’t see results, you might have a dirty evaporator. Clean it out and let it run for a few more hours.
  3. The Unit Turns On and Off Constantly: just like most problems with the condenser, if your system is turning on and off repeatedly a dirty or blocked unit could be the cause.

If any of these problems persist, be sure to call on the experts at Aspen Air Conditioning. We specialize in air conditioning service, maintenance, installation and repairs for the entire Southeast Florida region.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Air Conditioning FAQs

How can an AC system improve air quality? When should I replace my system? Who should I call when I have an emergency? These are all common questions when it comes to your home or office’s cooling systems and chances are somebody else is asking the same questions. So see below for some answers to air conditioning system FAQs:

Q: If I have an emergency, who at Aspen Air Conditioning do I contact and what is the response time?
A: Aspen Air Conditioning’s service department can be reached at (561) 395-1500 or (800) 459-4444. We provide 24 hour service 365 days a year. We also provide a guaranteed 30 minute response time and a commitment to be at your door for any emergency call the very same day.

Q: Can a maintenance plan help improve my air quality?
A: There are a number of products such as U.V. lights and air purifiers that are offered by Aspen to resolve an individual concerns. Regular preventative maintenance is key to extending the life of your air conditioning equipment and will dramatically improve the quality of the air you breathe. Indoor Air Quality can be addressed further by your commercial account representative.

Q: When should I consider equipment replacement?
A: There are times when replacing a system is the best alternative based on age, efficiency and repair costs of the equipment. Financing options are available and often times the energy savings offset the finance charges.

Have a question that we didn’t address? Feel free to contact one our air conditioning experts at 561-395-1500, we’re waiting to hear from you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Brands We Offer At Aspen Air Conditioning

When you want top-notch air conditioning service, installation and repairs in Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach and the rest of Southeast Florida there’s only company you should call! The experts at Aspen Air Conditioning have been providing homeowners and business owners with a cool, comfortable environment since 1983.

We offer the latest technology and cooling systems from industry leaders such as:
  • Carrier: Willis Carrier invented Air Conditioning in 1902. Carrier continues to be on the forefront of innovative engineering and unsurpassed standards of excellence. You can count on Aspen as your Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer (CFAD) to evaluate your home, such as window placement and size, ductwork, other structural specifics and lifestyle to provide a customized indoor comfort plan designed specifically for you.
  • Trane: Trane is respected industry wide for their skills in designing and manufacturing of Air Conditioning. Aspen is proud to be a Trane Authorized Dealer and has partnered with them on residential and commercial projects for over 30 years.
  • Gemaire: Gemaire is one of the largest HVAC distributors in the country and is known for innovative and eco-friendly equipment.
  • Rheem: Aspen is an authorized dealer for Rheem products.
  • Daikin: Daikin Industries, Ltd. is a leading innovator and provider of advanced, high-quality air conditioning solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

When you need air conditioning service in Southeast Florida, there’s only one number to call: 561-395-1500.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How To Clean Air Conditioner Condenser Coils

Dirty condenser coils can be an air conditioning system’s worst enemy. They can prevent your system from operating at peak performance which can drive up energy bills and leave you with an empty wallet or bank account. So how can you keep them clean and keep your air conditioner running efficiently?

Most air conditioner condensers are located outside the home, so it’s easy for leaves, dirt and grass to get into the coils. The first step to a cleaner, more efficient condenser is to keep grass and shrubs away. Make sure there is enough space around the entire unit so airflow is not restricted in any way.

Once you remove the obstructions, it’s time to break out the garden hose. Simply wash down the unit to keep dirt off of the coils. If you can access the fins, use a soft brush to remove any dirt or debris. Keeping the condenser clean is a great way to make sure your system is running efficiently.

At Aspen Air Conditioning, we specialize in air conditioning repair, replacement and installation in Ft. Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, West Palm Beach and the surrounding neighborhoods. Give us a call today at 561-395-1500 for more information.